Altomesima Online Radio Podcast

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(Dimensione massima, attualmente accettata, per i podcast 18 MB)

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Altomesima Online Radio Podcast by Domenico Capano is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribuzione-Non commerciale-Non opere derivate 2.5 Italia License.
Based on a work at



Podcast degli Utenti del Forum Altomesima Online

Altomesima Online Podcasting.

Scarica Index 18-12-2014 (6.35 MB)


  • Index
  • Synthetist
    and guitarist, Enzo Carlino is the author of all timbres he plays from
    championship (but orchestral) to Karplus-Strong synthesis, or additive,
    frequency modulation and so on. Great lover of electronic timbres and
    synths, mainly serge and other modulars, is actually composing a new
    album of experimental electronic based on an original variation and
    modification of the Buchla's source of uncertainity and a guitar album
    with his collaborator Stefano Targa Author of several songs for various
    singers, from some time composing movie and theatrical soundtracks.


    Parole Chiave: Enzo Carlino,